A sparrow when I'm broken, and eagle when I fly.....

Welcome to my world. I am an ordinary wife and mom who has been extraordinarily blessed by an amazing husband and house full of beautiful children. My prayer is that you will be somehow blessed by our family's story. It is a tale of God's grace and forgiveness...His loving kindness and patience with us His children as we strive & struggle everyday to bless His name with our lives

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 in pictures NEWEST news first!

A few years ago in a far away land called China a precious Baby Girl was born. She was a teeny tiny baby when she was brought to a home as big as a castle to live. At this home called an orphanage there were lots of nannies and other helpers that took care of this Baby Girl.

Because Baby Girl was born with Down syndrome some Nice People from far away in America thought it would be good for Baby Girl to live with a special family called a Foster Family. Nice people in America and other Nice People in China worked very hard for Baby Girl to be able to live with the Foster Family.

Baby Girl loved being with Foster Family. She learned all the things a Baby Girl can do even though this Baby Girl liked to learn them a little slower. She ate like any baby, slept like any baby, and learned to giggle and coo like any baby.

Baby Girl even had a foster sister and foster brother to play with. There was toys for the children and food to eat. Baby Girl was happy. The only thing baby Girl did not have was her very own Mommy and Daddy. Every Baby Girl needs their very own Mommy to rock them and hug them and kiss their toes and tummy. Every Baby Girl needs their very own Daddy to take them on walks and show them amazing things that will make her laugh. Every Baby Girl needs a Mommy and Daddy to teach them about God and how much He loves Baby Girl.

When Baby Girl was working hard growing up in China...in America a Mommy and Daddy were asking God if He would send them a special Baby Girl. The Nice People in America and Nice People in China who had helped Baby Girl told this Mommy and Daddy about how wonderful and beautiful Baby Girl was. In China there are Important People who help the children who need their very own family. The Mommy and Daddy asked the Important People in China if Baby Girl could be their very own Baby Girl. The Mommy and Daddy prayed and waited for the important answer. The Important People said "YES"!!. Mommy and Daddy were going to have their Baby Girl and Baby Girl was going to have her very own Mommy and Daddy plus lots of brothers and sisters.

When Mommy and Daddy got their big "Yes" from Important People in China..they also got new pictures of Baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy were so excited to see how Baby Girl has grown and how happy she looks.

Mommy and Daddy are doing all the jobs they have to do and getting things that Important People need before Baby Girl can come home. Mommy and Daddy and all the brothers and sisters pray to God every day that Baby Girl is healthy and happy. They also thank God every day for Baby Girl and that she will be home soon.

Mommy and Daddy wanted Baby Girl to have a name chosen just for her. They thought and thought for a special name. It took a long time to know just what was the perfect name for Baby Girl. When Daddy and sister were in Ethiopia they met a little girl they loved named "Elshaddaye". Elshaddaye is an Ethiopian-Amharic for the name of God "El Shadday". It means "God Almighty". For a special name from China they chose "Ping" which means "peace". It was the perfect name for Baby Girl. But those names all together are a long name to say and a long name for a girl to learn to write...so Mommy and Daddy say Baby Girl will be called "Elsie" for short. "Elsie Ping Ping" .
New photo of baby girl!!

January 3, 2011
Elsie PingPing Feser


petersonclan said...

Wonderful, Incredible, Delightful news... Elsie looks so happy! So different from the somber faces of most orphans. I'll pray for everything!

Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

What a beautiful BABY Girl. What a beautiful family!
Blessings from south Georgia,

Melinda said...

Awesome news Julee, so happy for you guys! She is beautiful!!!!!!

K said...

Congratulations! Elsie looks like she's beautiful a bundle of happiness. I can easily see her being doted on by all her bothers and sisters and soaking up the love of a family.

travcat said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful name! How old is she?


Chris said...

She is beautiful, and you are all so blessed
thanks for sharing the pictures-can't wait for your travel


Barbara. said...

Great story! Love the name! Big congrats to the whole family.

mrs. c said...

I love that name! And, I love the way you tell Elsie's own special story. So many pictures of her too! Can't wait to read when she's coming home.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Julee :) So happy for her new family.

Charity Hildebrand said...

Congratulations! What exciting news! I'm so happy for your family!

Difference2This1 said...

What a blessing this little one looks like! She is beautiful. You have such a beautiful family and I have enjoyed "meeting them through your blog. Stopped by from ForHisChildren group as we adopted #4 with Small World. We are a RR family now. Prayers for speedy paperwork! Jennifer

Sharon said...

Elsie is beautiful! Congratulations, Julee! Both of our girls are from Guangxi. :)